Tips on Handling Shedding Fur While Staying Sane
We certainly love our dogs, but anyone who says shedding is a lovable characteristic is probably fibbing. It is a well-known fact that certain dog breeds shed more than others; however, if the kind of dog we love leaves a trail of hair through the house, it is not likely to make us ship him or her
off to the pound. Instead, we must resign ourselves to the fact that we have to come up with a solution before we start pulling our own hair out. The following are some dog breeds that are notorious for shedding, and what some pet owners due to combat this problem:

Siberian Huskies were bred for endurance in extreme climates. They have a very soft inner coat and a dense outer coat, and at certain times can shed enough to make it appear as if you added a new area rug to your living room. Although a perfect children's dog and guardian-companion, the Great Pyrenees is another dog that is renowned for its extreme shedding, which occurs every six months.

The lovable pug is favored by dog owners throughout the world due to its comical and friendly personality. However, regardless of its small size, pugs shed each day and at the same rate year- round. Beagles are also known for their friendliness, but they shed profusely all year as well. Similar to the Siberian husky, they have a dual coat, and the two areas seem to shed at the same time. Retrievers, both Labradors and golden varieties, are also heavy shedders, but who is going to give up such a loyal and intelligent dog?

Unfortunately, nothing will prevent shedding, but grooming is key if you want to maintain a hair free home. Keep in mind that dogs shed their fur no matter what. For this reason, you should make every effort to remove as much hair as possible yourself. This is easily done through consistent brushing. The more loose hair you remove and place in the garbage can where it belongs, the less you will find scattered throughout your house when it falls out naturally.

Additional tips you can use to make life easier for you and your pooch include opting for carpeting rather than vinyl or hardwood flooring. Although this may seem counterproductive, carpeting attracts hair and more or less holds it in place until it can be vacuumed, whereas vinyl or hardwood flooring allows fur to easily waft through your house on the slightest breeze.

You also may wish to consider  leather or faux-leather furniture, as such pieces are much easier to clean than fabrics to which your dog's hair will cling. Additionally, sticky rollers, magnet pet hair removers, and damp sponges are your best friends with regard to eliminating fur. If you use such devices on a regular basis at odd times throughout the day, you'll have less sweeping and vacuuming to do all at once.
Finally, it is always in your best interest to keep your dog's hair trimmed as short as is appropriate for his or her breed. Talk to your groomer for other suggestions, and when you find those piles of hair, don't blame your pooch...blame mother nature.

This post was brought to you by guest blogger Melissa Turner from

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The Go-To Place for All Things Dogs. Dedicated to the health, happiness, and well-being of man’s best friend.


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