Grandma Lucy's Organic Pumpkin Oven Baked Dog Treats

This month, Chewy featured an interesting product. At first glance, it looks like Teddy Grahams for dogs, really cute ones too.
However, upon second glance this dog crazed momma read the ingredient list: Organic Wheat Flour, Organic Dehydrated Cane Juice, Organic Sunflower and/or Organic Canola Oil and/or Organic Palm Oil, Organic Cane Juice Syrup, Organic Pumpkin Powder, Organic Mace, Organic Cinnamon, Soy Lecithin. Wow, I think to myself as I hold the bag of treats and a cup of black coffee in the other, these treats sound like a quality cookie. I rip open the bag and my dogs run towards me. I feel like dogs will run toward you if you open anything crinkly. I pick up one of the treats and examine it, they are as cute as you'd expect them to be. They are a blondish brown color and super adorable, however not too adorable to eat. I hold the treat up in front of me, and think about being humane and not taking its head or extremities off one by one, and just pop the entire teddy in my mouth. It smells of cinnamon and pumpkin and it tastes...DIVINE. I quickly get on my knees as the dogs are clawing at them, and hand out treats to them. They are going to town on these things! I have another, my goodness these treats are so good, they taste delicious. I dunk one in my coffee, and it sweetens it up a bit. One turned to five, and then ten, and in about ten minutes in we are halfway through the bag and there are blond crumbs all over the floor, my shirt, and the dog's backs. Yup, we are those people right now.

Fast forward to the moment I got home, I open the door and I see little shreds of orange. How in the heck did they get to the treats?! Not only are my Bebe and Jolie both seniors, but they are also missing quite a few teeth. Here is what I came home to:
Needless to say, the photo and tiny teeth marks speak for themselves. Bebe and Jolie (and me) are huge fans of these treats. Grandma Lucy's uses human grade ingredients and I can personally attest to them tasting like a fine gourmet Teddy Graham. I don't know who Grandma Lucy is but I would sure
like to meet her in person and hug her, I'd also like to offer myself as a tribute as a granddaughter to taste test all her yummy treats.
*I received these goodies free of charge from in an exchange for my honest (and embarrassing) review.

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